Have you been eyeing that perfect fascinator, but you’re not completely confident about how and where to debut your new style? Maybe you’ve read articles with useful information and suggestions, but the photos are all of actresses, super models and royalty at unbelievably posh events. It can still leave you wondering, can I pull this off? How will it actually look on me?
Here it is: Real women wearing cool and unique fascinators with updos and downdos, to both formal events and casual outings.
Kat Hinkel won best dressed woman wearing the Sloris ‘Kinetic Aesthetic’ white fascinator at Diner in Blanc in Philadelphia 2016 (out of 5,000 attendees). She styled her hair in a simple soft updo and affixed the fascinator towards the back. This subtle effect completed her outfit perfectly, letting her shine.
Jane decided to pair the ‘My Cup of Tea’ black fascinator with a cute summer blouse. I really like her choice to wear the fascinator close to the front and slightly off center. With just a small portion of her hair drawn back into the fascinator’s comb and the rest free, Jane created a great casual style perfect for her friend’s summer party. The look really complements the shape of her face and her fun easy manner.
Almost every article I’ve read about how to wear a fascinator says never wear it on the top of your head. Sometimes rules just need to be broken. Kun is a shy young woman who wanted to show her daring side by wearing the ‘Kinetic Aesthetic’ fascinator in a bold way. She paired it with an understated simple spring dress and let her inner diva reign as she joined friends for a beautiful sunset beach gathering.
I admit it, even as the designer of the fascinators, I fell victim to fashion anxiety. I was waiting for the perfect occasion to wear one of my new fascinators, when I realized why wait? I played dress up and tried on each fascinator with a couple outfits and up and down dos. I wore the ‘My Cup of Tea’ black fascinator for a night on the town with my husband and continue to wear them to a wide range of events.
Honestly, I think fascinators have become a bit pigeon holed. Why not wear a fascinator to dinner, a wine tasting or any outing? The only rule I firmly agree with is to be aware of others. Don’t wear a fascinator when it may block another’s view, for instance to a performance. You can still make an entrance and look stunning in the lobby, but remove it once you’re seated.
Don’t be shy; try your fascinator with different hairstyles and a variety of outfits. The fun of playing dress up doesn’t have to stop just because you’re grown up! Be prepared to feel just as fashionable as any actress, super model or royal as you step out in style.
Please share how and where you’ll wear your fascinator. Or, if you’ve already wowed your friends and others with your super style, share a pic!